Your feedback to us…


newsletter image

Hello subscribers and Bluestone readers,

Thankyou to those people on our newsletter list who provided us with feedback on what you enjoy about Bluestone and the ideas you have for our continued growth.

What we have heard is that you enjoy the sense of community that Bluestone has fostered in the south west in past 18 months, and many of you have subscribed because you don’t want to lose that. Thankyou!

A lot of you have also subscribed because you enjoy our focus on the arts, and people, and stories that highlight the positive aspects of the region.

An equally large group like that we ask the hard questions of those in power and have subscribed to help us continue our analysis and investigations of the local issues that affect our community.

We will continue this balance of stories, but we are also making changes to Bluestone as a result of your feedback.

[dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #DC943C;”] M [/dropcap]ore rewards for subscribers:

A large part of the feedback from subscribers is that we give away too many stories for free – and that this deterred people from subscribing.

We think the time is right to password protect more stories, giving early access to subscribers only.

[box]A fresh password will be sent to subscribers monthly via email. (Check your emails for the March password.)[/box]

We have also introduced a free photo service for subscribers. If you would like a free high-res copy of an image taken by Bluestone, simply email us.

[dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #DC943C;”] Y [/dropcap]our letters page:

We’ve also decided to create a space for more public debate and from this edition you’ll see a “Your letters” section.

Subscribers and non-subscribers will be welcome to submit letters, short or long (up to 800 words) about any local issue, but publication is at our discretion.

You will have to provide a name and contact details for your letters, but only your name will be published.

[dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #DC943C;”] M [/dropcap]ore contributors from the community:


We welcome ideas and contributions from those doing interesting work in the community that they would like to share.

This edition, we have the team behind the Big Life project – Michael Barling and Sean Kenny – writing about how it all works.

If you would like to write a piece for Bluestone, email us with your idea and we can see if it fits with the focus of our magazine:

We hope our subscribers like the direction we are heading and that more readers will make the leap from reading us, to supporting us.

Thanks again for taking the time to respond to our survey.

Louise and Carol, co-editors, Bluestone Magazine.

Carol & Louise

March 15, 2015