- ‘Whistleblower’ by Ben Sanders. [Image: www.bensanders.com.au]
[dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #DC943C;”] D [/dropcap]ENNINGTON is a little town that punches above its weight in terms of growing serious talent – think Shane Howard (Goanna) and Val Bertrand (champion rower and netballer) – and it is where talented author and illustrator Ben Sanders was born.
Michaelie Clark, from Warrnambool Books, has chosen Ben’s new children’s book as her selection for the week and what a fine choice it is.
[We love children’s books – even though we don’t have any children – because they can take you to another place, a bit like a Disney movie, or the wonderful stuff from Pixar. Who can resist Dr Seuss, Shaun Tan, Mem Fox, Pamela Allen…no matter how old you are. If you are having a bad day, try reading a kid’s book: we promise it will improve your mood.]
Meanwhile, here is what Michaelie has to say about Ben’s book:
“Written and illustrated by award-winning artist Ben Sanders, I’ve an Uncle Ivan is a delightfully whimsical picture story book that has been a stand-out over the last few months for its cruising rhythm and retro style.
Following Uncle Ivan in his pie van is his entire extended family on various modes of transport, including Kate on a single roller skate and Michael on a unicycle. Through a romp of rhyme and nostalgia, they form a capering convoy all the way to their ultimate destination – the circus.
The book also includes a make-your-own 3D paper craft van.
Check out Warrnambool Books on Facebook for more updates on new releases by local authors.
[box] Ben Sanders has a sensational website. You can check it out at www.bensanders.com.au [/box]
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