The fresh facts on WCC credit card abuse just keep coming, thanks to Foxy the Fact Checker.
Tag: credit cards
Credit card no 3: two dinners costing more than $2000
The more the W'bool City Council tries to contain its credit card mess, the deeper the hole.
WCC response to who attended two big dinners and why
The W'bool City Council's reply in full to my questions about the two dinners.
It’s a trough life: WCC meal allowance soaks up $160 a day
The WCC's new travel policy allows up to $90 per person, per day, for dinner when travelling. This is frugality?
Is there more to the WCC credit card scandal? Yes.
For weeks now, I have been asked one question about the Warrnambool City Council credit card scandal: is there more? The answer is yes.