The fresh facts on WCC credit card abuse just keep coming, thanks to Foxy the Fact Checker.
Tag: David McMahon
WCC credit card #4 and laying the whole mess bare
The time has come, the walrus said, to lay it all out there about the WCC mess, so today I am doing just that.
Is there more to the WCC credit card scandal? Yes.
For weeks now, I have been asked one question about the Warrnambool City Council credit card scandal: is there more? The answer is yes.
WCC credit card scandal: why the whole thing reeks
Mayor Tony Herbert was alerted to big spending by a council manager months before he says he was. How do I know? I told him.
Mayor’s response…and did we pay for a day at Flemington?
Secrets: WCC Mayor Tony Herbert was the only councillor told of the credit card scandal, which just keeps rolling on.