Lyndoch Living is owned by the community, but is acting more like a cabal, with a blanket rejection of new membership applications.
Tag: masterplan
Lyndoch: a new company, complaints and potential conflicts
Complaints have been lodged with the Australian charities watchdog over Lyndoch's move into a medical clinic.
Who’s paying? Lyndoch’s multi-million-dollar medical clinic
Plans for a multi-million dollar public medical clinic at Lyndoch Living raises more questions about priorities and funding.
Is Lyndoch Living stitching up a deal for Scoborio Reserve?
A piece of prime public land could be swept up in the expansion of Lyndoch Living.
Lyndoch’s big spend-up powers on despite $1.77m deficit
Lyndoch is rolling on with a $100 million masterplan, but where the money is coming from remains a mystery.