Tracing the trajectory of artistic talent

Portland artist Carmel Wallace with her three-dimensional work, Bloom, which is part of the Trajectories exhibition.

[dropcap style=”color: #a02f2f;”] S [/dropcap]ix sensational visual artists who share much in common have combined for a new exhibition at Warrnambool’ SCOPE Galleries that opened today (Sept 7).

The Trajectories exhibition features the work of artists Victoria Dunn, Annette IgguldenMarion Manifold, Liza McCosh, Noela Stratford and Carmel Wallace who, between them, cover almost the full trajectory of art mediums, from painting to printmaking, drawing, photography and installations.

All six women have deep connections to regional Australia, with most living in south-west Victoria, and were among the first to complete a doctorate in visual arts at Deakin University in Warrnambool through what was then considered a bold experiment to combine artistic output (producing a gallery standard exhibition), with research and theory (a 20-000-30,000 word exegesis explaining their work).

The exhibition not only captures how far the artists have come (their “trajectory”) since their pioneering days as PhD students, but also reflects the immense value of having the opportunity to study for such a high-level qualification at a regional campus. That opportunity has since been removed, following the closure of the Visual Arts school at the Warrnambool campus.

SCOPE director and artist Dr Liza McCosh with Professor Emeritus Barbara van Ernst AM at the exhibition opening. The work of Annette Iggulden features in the background.

[dropcap style=”color: #a02f2f;”] I[/dropcap]t was a point not lost on Melbourne philanthropist and Professor Emeritus Barbara van Ernst AMwho was a former head of school for visual, performing and media arts at Deakin University and who opened the exhibition.

“Their (the artists’) location within regional Victoria is important,” Professor van Ernst said.

“It is work that could stand up anywhere – there is no sense of isolation or disadvantage because of their regional location.”

Professor van Ernst also highlighted the importance of women supporting women in the arts. The exhibition not only features all women artists, but was curated by a woman (Dr Liza McCosh) in a female-owned gallery (SCOPE) and was opened by a woman. Professor van Ernst said such support was reminiscent of the Heidelberg School, and others, where male artists worked collectively to produce, exhibit and promote their work.

Artist Noela Stratford (left), Jenny Altmann and Marion Manifold. Both Noela and Marion are among the six artists included in the exhibition. Noela’s charcoal work features in the background.
David Straford, Grant Wallace and James Wallace (in front of intricate works by Marion Manifold).
Retired Deakin lecturer and artist Dr Bruce Vinall, with Victoria Dunn and Annette Iggulden who’s work features in the exhibition. (The artwork is a charcoal by Noela Stratford.)

[box] Trajectories, a travelling exhibition, will be at SCOPE Galleries until October 12. SCOPE, 38 Kelp St, Warrnambool, is open noon-5pm Thurs-Sunday.[/box]

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1 thought on “Tracing the trajectory of artistic talent”

  1. It was a great exhibition and a tribute to the determination and achievements of all the women involved

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